Participant Testimonials

“Really appreciated the language used and the memorable principles of effective communication and tools to have difficult conversations”

Business Director

“The course helped me rethink old habits for conversations and reinforced new ideas and techniques.”

People Manager

“I have been in leadership for a long time and learned some new tools to utilize...this was great and will be helpful with those tougher conversations”

Corporate Leader

“This course brought up many things I had forgotten over time, such as open ended questions and truly listening to employees”

People Manager

“This is relevant to me. I have to manage many different stakeholders with varying opinions, so this will help me address conflicting ideas better. ”

Individual Contributor

“Very relevant. I'm dealing with a situation where I'm going to need to have a tough conversation with an employee and this training will come in very handy.”


Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. About ImprovEdge (optional)

    3. Why Improv? (Part 1)

    4. SHARE - Your thoughts

    5. Why Improv? (Part 2)

    6. SHARE - Your thoughts

    7. Power of "Yes, And"

    8. The Four Principles

    9. The Four Principles in action

    10. The Four Principles (Quiz)

    1. Coaching Scenario

    2. SHARE - Your thoughts

    3. Coaching Scenario 2

    4. SHARE - Your thoughts

    5. Intermission (Time for a Break)

    1. Connect | Learn | Act

    2. Preparation Worksheet (Resource)

    3. Visioning (Exercise)

    4. Effective Brainstorming

    5. Brainstorming (Exercise)

    6. Apply Visioning and Brainstorming

    7. Intermission (Time for a Break)

    1. Conversation Worksheet (Resource)

    2. Listening Skills

    3. Listening Skills (Exercise)

    4. Listening Skills (Exercise)

    5. Listening Assignment - Review

    6. Conversation Worksheet (Revisited)

    1. Apply what you learned

    2. Your Conversation

    3. Standing Ovation!!

    4. Course Experience Survey (Submit in page before clicking 'Next Lesson')

About this course

  • $79.99
  • 32 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Course Benefits

Explore Effective and Positive Workplace Communication Techniques


    Drive understanding of the importance of in-the-moment coaching and confidence in uncomfortable situations


    Learn and practice a three-step process for having difficult conversations in the workplace that will result in positive progress


    Learn four principles of ImprovEdge to be more flexible and adaptable in any unexpected situation or conversation.


  • How does my team/organization gain access?

    Your subscription to Managing Tough Conversations allows for unlimited access to your organization. Participants can save progress to resume training on their schedule, either through the secure web-based portal or your organization’s Learning Management System.

  • How long will this course take?

    The full course is designed to be completed in approximately 60-75 minutes. This course is divided into bite-sized, 8-10 minute segments for viewing over multiple sessions. Activity and reflection time are built into the course.

  • What do Participants need to complete?

    Access from anywhere, including laptop/computer, mobile phone or tablet (following your organization’s rules for training access). If viewing through the web-based portal, this course is compatible across major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, and Safari)

  • What will the experience be like?

    Managing Tough Conversations was designed to provide an interactive experience. The course uses video, role plays and reflection to engage participants and apply these principles in real-word situations. Closed captioning is accessible in the bottom left-hand corner of the course viewer.